Beat the Heat – Easy Tips To Soothe Your Eyes This Summer

By Yuvaap Team Publish Jun 10, 2024


– Drink 8 glasses of water daily. – Eat hydrating foods like cucumbers and watermelons. – Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Stay Hydrated

– Use sunglasses with 100% UV protection. – Wear a wide-brimmed hat for extra shade. – Try polarized lenses to reduce glare.

Wear Protective Eyewear

– Choose natural, preservative-free drops. – Apply drops regularly, especially when outdoors. – Store drops in a cool place.

Use Lubricating Eye Drops

– Stay indoors between 10 AM and 4 PM. – Seek shade when outside. – Use sunshades or curtains at home.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

– Place humidifiers in your living areas. – Keep humidity levels between 30-50%. – Use clean, distilled water.

Use a Humidifier

– Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. – Blink often to keep your eyes moist. – Adjust screen brightness and use anti-glare screens.

Take Breaks from Screens