
White Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe For Breakfast Or Snack

Delicious White Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe - Healthy, Creamy, and Easy to Make!

Do you believe in magic potions? No? Alright then let me make you believe in them, how? Well, I will use a pumpkin to perform this magic trick. The magic we are talking about is the rich creamy texture and amazing flavor this smoothie can give you, it has the potential of turning a lazy summer morning into a super energetic one! 
Enough of praise, let’s learn how this magic works. First, we will gather the ingredients


  • White pumpkin – 2 cups (unpeeled)
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon 
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon 
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Black pepper – ⅙ teaspoon 


Well, the only downside here is instead of chanting Abra ka Dabra or some other magic spell we have to do some real work, but don’t worry it is as easy as creating things out of magic.

  1. Chop down the pumpkin 
  2. Take a blending jar 
  3. Add pumpkin pieces to it
  4. Add salt, lemon juice and water depending on the consistency you want 
  5. Don’t forget to add a dash of freshly grounded black pepper 
  6. Blend all the ingredients together
  7. Your smoothie is ready!
  8. You can drink it after straining if you don’t like the pulpy texture. 

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White Pumpkin smoothie is a treat to our health also, it has numerous benefits associated with it as pumpkin is very rich in antioxidants. It contains large amounts of fibre, potassium and vitamin C. It helps in keeping the heart healthy, immune system strong and skin glowing. Pumpkins can help in preventing breast cancer too. 

Did you know that 100 gm of amla berries contain Vitamin C of 20 oranges? Thus we can say that Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C. It is also an excellent source of vitamins A, E, calcium, and Iron. Moreover, it offers various health benefits, including diabetes control, healthier eyes, better immunity, and, most importantly, improved memory and brain health. 

So just gulp down this amazing smoothie and see how good it turns out for your health.

Chef Tip

Use an unpeeled white pumpkin while preparing this recipe. Season it with freshly ground black pepper and black salt to give this smoothie a burst of flavour.





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