Explore a Tasty Water Apple Juice Recipe

Water Apple Juice Smoothie Recipe

Hey Foodies!
How have you been lately? About one thing we are very sure, none of us like visiting doctors frequently and there is only one way of keeping doctors at bay. Yes! You guessed it right, we are talking about an apple each day.
Eating apples everyday can be boring for some of us, and that’s why we are here with an amazing recipe called Apple Smoothie. Let’s learn this amazing recipe.


  • Rose apple – 1 big bowl (chopped) 
  • Chia Seeds –   1 tablespoons ( soaked overnight) 
  • Jaggery Powder – 1 tablespoons 
  • Lemon Juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Black salt – ½ teaspoon 
  • Water –  ½ cup 

Prep Time 6-8 minutes 

Serves – 1 Glass


To make Apple Smoothie with water you need to follow few simple steps or should we say the yum taste of Apple Smoothie is just a switch away, here is how

  1. Take a blending jar 
  2. Add chopped apples along with soaked chia seeds 
  3. Now add jaggery powder, lemon juice and black salt for the sweet and sour flavour 
  4. Add one cup water and switch on the blender 
  5. Blend until smooth 
  6. Now filter the juice 
  7. Serve and savour 


Making smoothie recipe with apple juice is quite an easy task and there is no doubt about that, but the most appealing thing about smoothies is, they are super nutritious and easy to digest. Smoothies can give your day a very good start and keep you energised throughout the day. Let’s look at the benefits of Apple Smoothie.

  • Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals like calcium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, copper, iron etc, and many different powerful antioxidants like caffeic acid, kaempferol, and chlorogenic acid. These seeds have medicinal application and nowadays play an important part in everyone’s diet. Chia seeds are excellent for your bone health , they promote good cholesterol and  prevent the risk of heart diseases. 
  • Water apple:    Water apple is beneficial in so many ways that it benefits almost every part of our body. The Niacin found in water apples regulate cholesterol synthesis and enhance good cholesterol. Water apples can treat liver ailments. It enhances the strength of muscles and eases muscle cramps.   

So start your morning with a healthy apple smoothie and see how satiated and refreshed you feel throughout the day. The best part is you can prepare it very easily, so just go for it. 

Chef Tip

  • Incorporating half a teaspoon of ginger while blending the juice can provide a zesty flavor to this concotion.

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