
Personality Disorders: The 3 Types You Need To Know

Types of Personality Disorders - Overview of the Three Main Types as Discussed in Personality Disorders Article

There are certainly some perks of being human, mother nature has gifted us the boon of conscience, our ability to think and judge differentiates us from other organisms and this unique gift awards us a personality which differentiates us from other organisms. Personality is the qualitative aspect of our existence. From grumpy godzilla to smiley saint, it’s our personality which earns these nicknames for us. Personality gives one a distinctive feature that segregates us from others. This article will discuss the different types of personality disorders, their causes, and the various symptoms and treatments available. 

What are personality disorders?

As per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), Personality Disorders are marked by unhealthy thinking patterns, abnormal functioning and behavior. Guess what? Your favorite Hulk, and the supervillain Thanos were also coping with personality disorders. 

Since there is no suitable marker to determine which personality type is normal, people’s experiences with personality disorders can vary. People with personality disorder can face extreme mood swings and instability, but it can differ depending on the type of disorder. 

 However, you do not need to worry, as they can be diagnosed by a mental health professional based on a person’s symptoms and history.

What are the types of personality disorders?

Personality disorders can be broadly classified into three categories.

  1. Cluster A personality disorders 
  2. Cluster B personality disorders
  3. Cluster C personality disorders

Each kind of class, as mentioned above, has their kind of deviated behavior and mannerisms. Therefore, this article will briefly discuss personality disorder problems from each cluster.

Cluster A

The symptoms of Cluster A personality disorder include abnormal and eccentric behavior. People suffering from cluster A disorders are often suspicious of others.

Cluster A disorders also include paranoid personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder.

Paranoid personality disorder

The whole thought of people suffering from this disorder is based upon their suspicions. 

They see the world in a highly distorted way, and their reality is based on these suspicions. The prime symptoms of a paranoid person are as follows :

  1. Distrust of others
  2. Developing a belief that others are going to harm them
  3. Suspecting their spouse or sexual partner
  4. Holding on to grievances

In such cases, getting help as soon as possible is essential to avoid mental health damage. This treatment can be a long journey, but a loving and caring atmosphere and support of family can make it easy to go through this journey. 

Schizoid personality disorder

People who have schizoid personality disorder appear cold and disconnected from the world. This problem generally occurs due to genetic factors or early life experiences. It is not something you “get” like other mental disorders. Instead, it can develop gradually over time if specific environmental stresses are present in an individual’s life.

Some symptoms of schizoid personality disorder are mentioned below :

  1. Usually prefer to be alone
  2. Lack of Interest in having sex
  3. Difficulty in expressing emotions
  4. No interest in forming social or personal relationships

Cluster B

Cluster B personality disorders are usually identified by over-dramatic and over-emotional behavior. This disorder also includes borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Antisocial personality disorder

People who have Antisocial personality disorder behave in an outlandish manner. Symptoms of this disorder are difficult to detect, but there are a few traits that characterize antisocial personality disorders. You can put your favourite Sherlock Holmes in this category

  1. Lying and disrespecting others.
  2. Avoid responsibility as much as possible.
  3. Aggression and violent behavior

Borderline personality disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that can cause severe emotional instability and impulsive behavior. Furthermore, people suffering from this disorder often experience intense mood swings, drastic changes in thoughts and feelings, and difficulty regulating emotions. 

There are quite a few indicators of BPD which are :

  1. Having suicidal thoughts or indulging in habits that can harm self
  2. Distorted self-image
  3. Extreme mood swings lasting from a few hours to even days
  4. Feeling of being left out and emptiness
  5. Impulsivity and explosions of anger

Narcissistic personality disorder

This personality disorder can be life-threatening if not treated properly. In addition, a narcissistic personality disorder is very harmful to interpersonal relationships. Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory can be a classic example of this disorder.

The symptoms may vary from person to person. However, in most cases, it is identified by a pattern of behaviors which are mentioned down below :

  1. Extreme Selfishness
  2. Lack of empathy for others
  3. Getting easily overwhelmed
  4. A constant need for admiration

Cluster C

The main characteristic of Cluster C personality disorders is anxiety and fear. Personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder fall under this category.

Avoidant personality disorder

Suffering from an avoidant personality disorder can be a frustrating and isolating experience. People with this disorder often have difficulty initiating or sustaining social interactions, which can lead to problems in personal relationships. Moreover, they may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how to share their feelings, leading to a lack of trust in others.

Some of its symptoms are as follows :

  1. Constant feeling of being inferior
  2. Fear of getting rejected
  3. Avoidance in work which requires communication with others
  4. Extreme introversion in personal relationships too

Dependent personality disorder

Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is a mental illness characterized by high dependency on others and low self-esteem. People with DPD often feel they need someone else to take care of them and their daily needs, which can cause significant distress.

Some DPD symptoms are obvious to the eye; they include:

  1. Needs to be taken care of and aren’t self-dependent at all
  2. Requires assurance from others and lacks confidence
  3. Highly agreeable with others, fears any disapproval
  4. Accepts misbehavior and finds it challenging to express own thoughts
  5. Want to start another relationship when one has ended immediately

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a mental health condition characterized by obsessive and irrational thoughts and behaviors. It is an extreme form of OCD, often making it difficult for the sufferer to regulate their thoughts and actions. 

OCPD can be pretty challenging to deal with, as it often involves a pattern of repetitive thinking and behavior that becomes obsessive. Some traits of OCPD are as follows :

  1. In this disorder, people strive for perfection and feel remorse if they are not able to achieve perfection
  2. Unable to throw away unimportant objects
  3. Try to be controlling in every situation
  4. Neglects friends and families when working on a task


There is no one-size-fits-all answer regarding treatment methods for personality disorders. Each disorder has its symptoms and needs a different approach through therapy or medication. 

If you think you may have a personality disorder, it is crucial to seek professional help to get an accurate diagnosis and the best possible treatment plan. One can also go to a therapeutic committee to treat personality disorders.

The goal of a therapeutic committee is to help restore a sense of self-identity and social functioning so that  the person can lead an everyday life free from disorder.


Personality disorders are mental disorders that affect a person’s personality and behavior. They can be challenging to diagnose and treat, but with the help of a professional, you can get the treatment and support you need.

We hope this article has helped you understand personality disorders better and provided some helpful information .It is better to get help in time so don’t hesitate in seeking help from your loved ones, sharing your concerns with people who understand you, always helps. 

References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2992453/




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