
Khatta Meetha Kaddu Recipes To Try At Home

Khatta Meetha Kaddu Recipe - Sweet and Sour Pumpkin Dish to Try at Home

Hey foodies!

How are things going? Today we are going to talk about a very beloved veggie that is pumpkin, well most of you might find it hard to gulp down pumpkin but trust me this sweet and tangy recipe will save you the trouble of forcefully eating it. Khatta Meetha kaddu is a super delicious delicacy that you can enjoy in your lunches and dinners. 

So, let’s start our journey of friendship with the pumpkin, below are the ingredients you need. 


  • Coconut oil – ½ tablespoon 
  • Cumin seeds – ½ teaspoon 
  • Mustard seeds – ½ teaspoon 
  • Sprouted Fenugreek – 1 tablespoon
  • Pumpkin – 2 cups (chopped)
  • Salt – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Red chili powder – ½ teaspoon 
  • Turmeric powder – ¼ teaspoon 
  • Coriander powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Water – ½ cup 
  • Jaggery powder – 1 tablespoon 
  • Tamarind syrup – 1 tablespoon
  • Chat Masala – ¼ teaspoon
  • Coriander leaves – ¼ cup (Chopped)

Prep Time – 10 minutes 

Cooking Time – 15-20 minutes 


To make a perfect bowl of Khatta Meetha Kaddu, you don’t need to learn any rocket science, you just need to work on some simple instructions and voila! Pumpkin will become your best friend or we can say food. 

  1. Chop pumpkin and keep it aside 
  2. Heat a pan and add some coconut oil to it 
  3. Now add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, sprouted fenugreek seeds for tempering 
  4. Let the spices splutter 
  5. Now add the chopped pumpkin
  6. Mix salt and other spices, red chili, turmeric and coriander powder 
  7. Cover with the lid and cook for 2 to 3 minutes
  8. Now add water and cook in sim for 10 minutes 
  9. Wait for the pumpkin to turn soft
  10. Once soft enough, add jaggery powder
  11. Add tamarind syrup for the tangy flavor
  12. Turn off the flame 
  13. The last step includes adding some chat masala and coriander leaves 
  14. The super savory pumpkin is ready 


Like every recipe we share in this blog, this recipe also is a superhit when it comes to taste and health, for taste I have already told you it will make pumpkin a good veggie in your eyes but as far as health benefits are concerned, we can’t deprive you of them, so let’s dive in to the amazing benefits of this veggie.

  • Pumpkin – Pumpkin is very rich in antioxidants. It contains large amounts of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. It helps in keeping the heart healthy, immune system strong and skin glowing. Pumpkins can help in preventing breast cancer, too.
  • Jaggery – Jaggery has so many health benefits associated with it; it can aid in digestion. Detoxes the liver and blood. Treats lung and bronchial infections. Relieves constipation. Increases energy levels. Relieves stress. Treats premenstrual syndrome. It has antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties associated with it.
  • Tamarind – Tamarind has been used as a laxative since ancient times as it can relax abdominal muscles, polyphenolic compounds found in tamarind can prevent peptic ulcers, if you are trying to lose weight then tamarind can be a very good fruit for you, tamarind also helps in dealing with allergic asthma and cough. 

Try out this super yummy Khatta Meetha Kaddu recipe and get a chance to know the amazing taste pumpkin has hidden inside its big fat fruit. 

Chef Tip

Consider using sprouted fenugreek seeds instead of regular ones for this recipe as they are more nutritious.





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