Guide on Making Compost at Home with kitchen waste

Compost at home using kitchen waste - Step-by-step guide

In today’s world, many of us rely on store-bought fertilisers to nourish our plants. However, have you ever stopped to think about the impact these chemical-based products have on our health and the environment? It’s time to shift our focus to a more efficient and sustainable way of feeding our plants—homemade compost! I know what you’re thinking. “Compost? That’s just a fancy word for a pile of rotting leftovers, right?” Well, my friend, you’re partly correct, but let me assure you, this is no ordinary pile of stinky stuff. It’s a magical, nutrient-packed elixir that will have your plants dancing and singing like they’re in a Disney movie (minus the talking animals, of course). In this article, we will explore the wonders of composting and guide you on how to make compost at home.

What is Compost?

Before we delve into the art of making garden compost at home, let’s understand what it actually is. Compost is the result of a natural decomposition process that transforms organic materials into a dark, crumbly, and nutrient-rich substance. It acts as a natural fertiliser, improving soil structure, promoting beneficial microbial activity, and enhancing plant growth.

Why Choose Garden Compost?

Home made compost is like a superhero for your plants, and it outshines commercial fertilisers in several ways. Here’s why:

  • Natural Nutrient Boost:  Using Kitchen and food waste for composting provides a diverse range of nutrients in their natural form, promoting overall plant health.
  • Slow-Release Power: Compost releases nutrients slowly and steadily, preventing nutrient imbalances and plant burn.
  • Soil Structure Savior: Compost acts as a soil conditioner, improving structure, moisture retention, and microbial activity.
  • Eco-Friendly Elixir: Homemade compost is an eco-friendly solution, reducing landfill waste and minimising the use of synthetic chemicals.
  • Cost-Effective Charm: Making your own compost saves money by utilising free or low-cost materials, resulting in a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

How To Make Compost At Home 

Now that we’ve set our sights on composting, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of compost preparation. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you might think! Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a composting master:

1. Gather the Right Materials

The first step in making compost at home is to gather the right materials. Look no further than your kitchen and garden for organic waste that can be transformed into nutrient-rich compost. Collect fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea leaves, grass clippings, leaves, and small plant trimmings and start composting. These materials provide the necessary carbon and nitrogen elements for a healthy compost pile. However, it’s crucial to avoid adding meat, dairy products, and oily substances, as they can attract pests and create unpleasant odours.

2. Create the Compost Pile or Bin

Once you have gathered the material for composting, it’s time to create a suitable compost bin for kitchen waste. Choose a shaded area in your yard or garden for your composting site. You can opt for a ready-made compost bin or construct one using wire mesh or wooden pallets. Ensure that your compost pile has proper aeration and drainage to facilitate decomposition and prevent unpleasant odours.

3. Layer the Materials

To create a balanced compost pile, it’s important to alternate between green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) materials. Start by adding a layer of brown materials such as dried leaves or shredded newspaper. Then, add a layer of green materials like kitchen scraps or fresh grass clippings. Aim for a ratio of approximately 3 parts brown materials to 1 part green materials. This balance ensures proper decomposition and prevents the compost from becoming too wet or smelly.

4. Maintain Moisture and Turn the Pile

Maintaining the right moisture level is crucial for successful composting. Your compost pile should have the consistency of a damp sponge. If it becomes too dry, water it gently with a hose or watering can. On the other hand, if it becomes too wet, add dry brown materials to absorb excess moisture. Regularly turning the compost pile every few weeks using a garden fork or compost aerator is essential to provide oxygen to the microorganisms responsible for decomposition. Turning the pile also helps distribute moisture and heat evenly, speeding up the composting process.

5. Allow Time for Decomposition

Composting is a natural process that requires time and patience. The duration of decomposition varies depending on factors such as the materials used, temperature, and environmental conditions. Generally, your compost will be ready in approximately 2 to 6 months. During this time, microorganisms break down the organic matter, transforming it into dark, crumbly compost. Regularly monitor the progress of your compost and be patient as nature works its magic.

Tips for Successful Composting at Home

Achieving successful composting from kitchen waste requires attention to detail and the implementation of best practices. Consider the following tips to optimise your composting process:

  • Chop Larger Materials: To expedite the decomposition process, it is beneficial to chop larger organic materials into smaller pieces. This allows for increased surface area, promoting faster breakdown by microorganisms. 
  • Avoid Adding Weed Seeds and Diseased Plant Materials: While composting can kill many weed seeds and pathogens, it’s best to avoid adding weeds that have gone to seed or diseased plant materials. High temperatures may not be reached in all areas of the compost pile, which could allow the survival of weed seeds or pathogens. 
  • Cover the Compost Pile: Covering the compost pile with a tarp or a layer of straw helps retain moisture and prevent excess rainwater from saturating the pile. Adequate moisture is essential for the composting process, as it provides the necessary environment for microbial activity. However, be mindful of airflow and periodically check the moisture level to avoid excessive dryness or waterlogging.
  • Turn the Compost Pile: Regularly turning the compost pile helps incorporate oxygen, which is crucial for the aerobic decomposition process. Turning the pile every few weeks using a garden fork or compost aerator helps prevent compaction and ensures even decomposition. This also helps distribute moisture and heat throughout the pile, promoting faster breakdown of organic matter.
  • Monitor the Temperature: Composting generates heat as microorganisms break down organic matter. To optimise the composting process, monitor the internal temperature of the pile. Ideally, the temperature should range between 120°F and 160°F (49°C and 71°C). 


Composting from kitchen and food waste is not only a rewarding endeavour but also a sustainable way to feed your plants and reduce waste. By following the compost preparation steps outlined in this article, you can create nutrient-rich compost from kitchen and garden waste, providing your plants with the nourishment they need for healthy growth. Embrace the power of composting and join the movement towards a greener, more sustainable future.

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