The Ultimate Guide To Enhancing Your Beauty With Yoga

oga practices for boosting inner beauty, promoting balance and well-being.

Beauty is an innate expression. Still, your mind and your lifestyle have a very strong connection with your beauty. Our skin expresses unspoken emotions to the world. If you are feeling great it will show on your skin. If you feel embarrassed your skin turns pink and when you are sick you become pale. But beauty comes from within and your outer beauty is a reflection of your inner beauty. So even though we age your outer beauty maybe fades away, but your inner beauty remains with you always.

Now you can go to a salon to take care of your outer beauty, which is also a part of self-care. However, what is inside you is the best salon and when you go inwards everything turns beautiful around you. Yoga is a key to entering this salon and enhancing your internal beauty. This regular practice of yoga can help you to look more youthful. Read on to find out how yoga can enhance your beauty from within.

Yoga can enhance your outer and inner beauty

The benefits of yoga are unlimited. Practicing regular yoga has a very positive effect on your internal systems. It improves your blood circulation in the whole body. It improves oxygenation and is great for your heart health. It helps in losing weight while maintaining your flexibility. It improves your digestion. When it comes to radiant skin detoxification is key as getting rid of toxins will keep you healthy from the inside out. It also enhances the absorption of vital nutrients from the food which keeps our body healthy at the cellular level. It massages our internal organs and improves their functioning. This not only gives your skin a glow but to the whole body.

Yoga poses to perform

Standing forward fold

Standing forward fold

Stand tall, keeping your feet hip-width wide. Inhale and as you breathe out, bend your upper torso forward and try to reach for your toes. Hold the pose as per your comfort and release. This yoga pose massages your internal organs and improves your blood circulation towards your head. This will give your face and skin a healthy glow.

Facial yoga

Facial yoga

Although there are various facial exercises mentioned in yoga, we are here to tell you the easiest one. Sit or stand and rub your palms to each other and warm them. Then rub it all over your face, including your eyes. Keep breathing while you rub your face in an upward direction- from chin to forehead. This will give your face soft and wrinkle-free skin. Also, you can practice this anywhere irrespective of time.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is a cycle of twelve powerful yoga asanas that work on the whole body. If done at a moderate pace, it works as an effective cardiovascular workout. It improves your cardiovascular health. It helps in losing weight and is also an effective stress buster. It is best to start with five to seven sets in the beginning and then increase it. However, if you have a chronic backache then you should perform it under a yoga instructor.

Pranayama to enhance your mental health

It is derived from the Sanskrit word “prana” which means life force “Ayama” means to control, hence pranayama means controlled breathing. Through regular practice of deep breathing or pranayama, you will be able to free your mind from constant chatter. It helps in calming you. It increases oxygenation in the body and with the daily practice of pranayama along with some yogasana improves overall appearance. Just practice it for a few days and you will see the results.

You can use these pranayamas in your following routine:

  • Anulom Vilom
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Shitali Pranayama

Meditation to heal you from inside

Practicing meditation can be daunting at first; however, it is just a simple art of doing nothing. You don’t have to do anything to practice meditation, yet you are aware of everything. Daily practice of meditation will leave you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and happier from the inside, which will instantly reflect in your skin. Your brain will function at its optimal level and it will relieve you from everyday stress and anxiety. Meditation is your internal feel-good salon. Mindfulness is another quality that comes with meditation. When you add meditation and mindfulness, it helps you in staying present, which is the key to happiness.
When you add mindful breathing to your meditation, it improves oxygenation in your whole body while relaxing your whole body. This increased oxygenation allows your skin cells and tissues to repair and regenerate.

It rejuvenates you from inside

It rejuvenates you from inside

Regular practice of yoga stimulates the hormones and antioxidants in your skin which rejuvenate your skin cells and tissues. It helps in the removal of toxins from your skin while maintaining the pH level of your skin. As your hormone balances, it reduces the problem of acne, hence your inner beauty enhances with yoga.

Yoga Diet

Yoga Diet

With the regular practice of yoga, you need to take care of your diet. What you eat manifests in your physical appearance. You need to eat a healthy diet with regular practice of yoga. Try to fast at least twice a month which will give your digestive system a rest. Eat whole grains, fresh food, vegetables, seeds, and herbal tea in your diet.

Bottom Line

Take care of your inner and external beauty with yoga and meditation. Beauty is only defined by the sparkles in your eyes, not by the lack of wrinkles on your face.  Regular practice of yoga will help in giving you that radiant glow from the inside.


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