The Surprising Link Between Hormones And Allergies

Hormones and allergies connection - How hormonal changes trigger allergic reactions

Did you know that your hormones can turn an innocent encounter with a furry friend into a sneezing and itching nightmare? It’s true! Let’s dive into the fascinating world of how hormones and allergies are connected.”

Hormones play a huge role in your allergies 

Allergies are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They occur when the body’s immune system reacts to a foreign substance, such as pollen, dust, or certain foods as if it were a harmful invader. This reaction can trigger a range of symptoms, including sneezing, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, and skin rashes.

Hormones are chemical messengers that play a critical role in the immune system’s response to allergies. You might be wondering can hormones cause allergic reactions. Yes!  The allergic reaction involves several hormones, including histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and cytokines. In this blog, we will understand the hormones behind allergic reactions.


Histamine molecule structure illustrating the role of hormones in allergic reactions

 It is one of the most well-known hormones involved in allergies. Mast cells release them in response to allergens and trigger a range of allergic symptoms, including itching, swelling, and inflammation. Histamine also increases mucus production, which can lead to congestion and difficulty breathing. Antihistamines treat allergies by blocking histamine effects in the body. 


Prostaglandins are another group of hormones that play a role in the allergic response. They are produced by cells in the body in response to an allergen and contribute to the inflammatory response. Prostaglandins cause blood vessels to dilate, which can lead to swelling and redness. They also stimulate pain receptors, which can result in discomfort and soreness.


Leukotrienes are a group of hormones that are produced by cells in the body in response to an allergen. They play a role in the inflammatory response by causing blood vessels to dilate and increasing mucus production. Leukotrienes are also responsible for the recruitment of other immune cells to the allergic reaction site.


Cytokines are a group of hormones that play a critical role in the immune system’s response to allergies. Immune cells release them in response to allergens, causing inflammatory reactions. Cytokines can cause blood vessels to dilate, increase mucus production, and recruit other immune cells to the site of the allergic reaction.


Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an enzyme that breaks down histamine in the body. The digestive tract produces it, which regulates the body’s histamine levels. Individuals with low levels of DAO may be more prone to experiencing allergic reactions, as they may not be able to break down histamine efficiently.


Women’s sex hormone estrogen plays a role in allergies by regulating the immune system.Studies have shown that women are more likely to experience allergies than men, and estrogen may play a role in this gender difference. The hormone estrogen can increase the production of IgE, an antibody responsible for the allergic response. It can also increase mast cell activity, which can lead to the release of histamine and other inflammatory compounds. 

Women may be more prone to experiencing allergic reactions during certain times in their menstrual cycle when estrogen levels are higher or we can say estrogen hormonal changes can cause allergic reactions. 


The adrenal gland produces this hormone in response to stress. As a result of its role in the immune response to allergies, it can reduce inflammation in the body. However, chronic stress and high levels of cortisol can actually increase the risk of allergic reactions and exacerbate allergy symptoms.

Stress management techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga, may be helpful for individuals with allergies. These techniques can help to reduce stress levels and lower cortisol levels, which can improve allergy symptoms.


In conclusion, we can say that there is a specified hormonal mechanism that can trigger or sustain allergic mechanisms. Understanding our hormones better can give us a lead in treating allergies and approaching a more holistic method of treatment.  


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