Most of us have heard about the seven main chakras in our body, but not everyone knows what they really are or how they affect us. You might remember the popular 90s show ‘Shaktimaan’, which often mentioned these chakras. Even today, many people talk about keeping their chakras balanced and aligned. But what do chakras actually mean, and why are they important?
Some people think chakras are just a myth or not scientifically proven. Others might feel confused or overwhelmed by the idea. It’s true that chakras come from ancient Indian traditions and might seem complicated at first. But understanding them can be easier than you think, and they can have real benefits for your well-being.
In this blog, we’ll explore what chakras are, how they connect to your body, and how you can keep them balanced for a healthier, happier life. Whether you’re curious, skeptical, or just looking to learn something new, this guide will help you understand the basics of chakras in a simple way. Let’s dive in and discover how these energy points might just change the way you feel every day.
What are the Chakras?
The chakras have been a part of our Vedic culture for centuries. As per studies, This Chakra system originated in India around 1000 BC, and its evidence can be found in different Upanishads and Vedas. According to our Vedic culture, it is believed that we have 114 chakras in our bodies. These chakras denote the energy points, which are basically a junction where many nerves meet together.
According to research, Chakra literally means ‘wheel’, and one can think of these chakras as free-flowing energy spins inside our bodies. Out of these 114 chakras, seven chakras of the body are primary, which immensely impact our body, mind, intellect and emotions. These chakras run along our spinal cord and are aligned in a straight line. Moreover, each chakra has its own colour, name, meaning, location, element and effect on the body and mind.
1. The Root Chakra or Muladhara

According to research, Located at the bottom of the spine in the tailbone area, the Root Chakra deals with survival issues such as financial stability, food and money. Moreover, it influences the health of our digestive system, bones, kidneys, teeth, prostate, sexual activity and excretory imbalance.
- Colour: Red
- Meaning: I am
- Element: Earth
2. The Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana

The Sacral Chakra is found between the belly button and pubic bone and is associated with pleasure, well-being, emotions and sexuality. In addition, it regulates the health of the urinary tract, pancreas, lower back and immune system.
- Colour: Orange
- Meaning: I feel
Element: Water
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

According to research, The Solar Plexus Chakra deals with self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence. It is located in the upper abdomen area of our body. Moreover, it affects the upper abdomen, gall bladder, intestines, liver, middle spine, kidneys and stomach.
- Colour: Yellow
- Meaning: I do
Element: Fire
4. The Heart Chakra or Anahata

The heart chakra denotes the feeling of joy, love, compassion and inner peace. Located just above our heart, this chakra influences the heart, ribcage, blood circulation and lungs.
- Colour: Green
- Meaning: I love
Element: Air
5. The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

The throat chakra deals with communication skills, truth and self-expression, and it is positioned right in our throat. It regulates the throat, teeth, thyroid, parathyroid, vocal cord, and neck.
- Colour: Light Blue
- Meaning: I speak
Element: Sound
6. The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

The Third Eye Chakra is nestled between our eyebrows and deals with the intuitions, six senses, imaginations, and wisdom, and it also opens gates for higher dimensions. It controls the brain, eye, ear, nose, pineal gland, neurological system and pituitary gland.
- Colour: Indigo
- Meaning: I see
- Element: Light
7. The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

The Crown chakra is situated at the top of our head, and it deals with awareness, intelligence, knowledge, spirituality and inner and outer beauty. Moreover, it governs the head, brain, pineal gland and nervous system.
- Colour: Violet or White
- Meaning: I understand
Element: This chakra does not associate with any aspect; it is just pure divine consciousness.
Wrap it up!
All the chakras are directly connected to our health and well-being; thus, it is crucial to keep them balanced. The unbalanced chakras do not allow a free flow of energy which causes illness and disturbances in our body and mind. Though imbalance is a part of life, one can reduce it by doing yoga, meditation and exercise. So, know your chakras and keep them aligned for a healthy, content, fulfilling life.

Anjani Kumar Shrivastava, a distinguished yoga expert with decades of experience, brings healing and wisdom through yoga therapy, meditation, and Ayurvedic principles. His remarkable Read more