Cervical Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Prevention And Treatment

By Yuvaap Team Publish Feb 2, 2024


Prevent, Protect, Defeat: Let’s Unite Against Cervical Cancer!

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cells in the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus. The human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, is what causes it.

What is Cervical Cancer?

1. Vaginal bleeding following menstruation, intercourse, or menopause. 2. Periods are heavier and longer. 3. Vaginal discharge that may be thick and smelly. 4. Pelvic or intercourse pain.

What are Cervical Cancer Symptoms?

– HPV, a sexually transmitted infection, is the most common cause of cervical cancer. – HPV spreads through sexual contact and can lead to cancer. – Uncontrolled infection can cause cervix cells to transform into cancerous ones.

What are the Causes of Cervical Cancer?

There are two main types of cancer of the cervix: 1. Squamous cell carcinomas 2. Adenocarcinomas. About 80% to 90% of cervical cancers are Squamous cell carcinomas, while 10% to 20% are Adenocarcinomas.

What are the Types of Cervical Cancer?

– Lack of regular Pap smears or HPV vaccinations. – Smoking. – Weakened immune system. – Long-term use of birth control pills. – Early sexual activity. – Multiple sexual partners and unprotected sex.

What are the Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer?

Stage I: Cancer found in the cervix, small and unspread. Stage II: Cancer spreads beyond the cervix and uterus. Stage III:  Cancer spreads to the lower vagina, possibly to the pelvic wall, ureters, and lymph nodes. Stage IV: Cancer spreads to the bladder, rectum, bones, or lungs.

What are the Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer?

– Get the HPV vaccine (if you are eligible). – Use condoms or other barrier methods when you have sex. – Limit your sexual partners. – Stop smoking and using tobacco products.

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer?

Early and non-bulky disease: Surgery, sometimes chemoradiation therapy. Small tumours: Cone biopsy, sometimes hysterectomy. Locally advanced disease: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Metastatic disease: Chemotherapy or palliative care alone.

Treatment Types for Cervical Cancer